Thematic Area: Environmental protection and natural resource management
Dr. Kun Wan
College of the environment and ecology, Xiamen University, China
Title: Problem of bacterial antibiotic resistance in drinking water treatment

Biofilters for drinking water treatment and distribution system to address bacterial antibiotic resistance was elaborated.
Dr. Sathish Murali
CSIR – Central Leather Research Institute, Regional Centre for Extension and development, Kolkata, India
Title: Water-Free Natural Fiber Processing Techniques: Strategies for Development of “Solvent-cum-Reagent” Model

The strategies for the development of “Solvent-cum-Reagent” Model towards Water-Free Natural Fiber Processing Techniques was elaborated
Dr. Sivtsev Semyon
Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Siberian Branch (SB) RAS, Russia
Title: Innovative biotechnological products for cleaning oil-contaminated lands in various natural and climatic conditions

Emphasized on the biotechnological products for oil-contaminated lands in diverse climatic conditions
Dr. Mambetjanova Nurila
Scientific adviser: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Kyrgyz National University. J. Balasagyn
Title: Obtaining humic premixes based on complex processing of natural materials

Focused on complex processes for obtaining Humic premixes from natural materials